Regardless of why you are here, whether curious, annoyed, or wanting to share. We can all appreciate just how vast our minds can go.
A place to outline everything I have discovered. Consistent variables, weird anomalies
I don't know who or what she is. But I suspect the personification of my sub conscious. When I met her, she was not happy about it. I had been enjoying a pleasant dream and had just became lucid. In the blink of an eye the happiness was gone, the sun disappear, darkness all around. It was as if the world had become eclipsed. I fell to the ground, I could feel the dirt under my palms. I looked up at her. A dark slender figure stood 15-20ft from me. Unmoving, a faceless gaze watching as I struggled to keep myself up. The strength in my arms grew weak and I toppled to my side. All I could do was watch. As she faded away my world faded with her, the real world faded into view. My eyes were open and I was staring at my wall. It took a moment to understand what had happened. With such a smooth transition from one world to the next I grew annoyed that my fun was blocked and removed. Perhaps I will meet her again.
Have you ever felt a strong pull, a desire to go somewhere? Perhaps somewhere you shouldn't? I felt this, an unconscious pull to go further down a tunnel. The darkness of the tunnel surrounded me yet I couldn't stop. I had to go further. The darkness blocking out any source of light. It was just myself and the ever infinite dark. Before long this empty void filled me with a sense of dread and panic. The pull to go deeper was now replaced with the fear of nothingness. The black void had me and I could not turn around. I tried to escape but each step felt as if I was going further into the dark.
This discovery seems to be a well documented case. Various sources claiming that the faces you see within dreams are created from various memories of people in the real world. But the faces of those you know I have found to be distorted. You may be walking down the street with a life long friend but as soon as you look at their face and see a completely different person. At the moment you may not realize it, dream logic is a powerful force that always tries to push you into acceptance. Upon waking up is when I have really acknowledged these inconsistencies. That person was not your friend, but you were told it was, you felt it was, it seemed proper and right and yet when you awake you can realize it was completely wrong. Why don't we use the proper faces, why these different faces? Is it possible that I have just not forced myself to use the correct face, leaving my dreams to be completely randomly generated on the fly?